Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Live from the 1st Smart Grid Cyber Security Summit

We're underway here in San Jose and it's going great so far. Getting eighty folks to show-up in August is a pretty impressive feat for a first-ever conference. It's a good mix including utilities, regulatory and industry personnel.

This picture shows Mark Schaeffer of GraniteKey, Matt Carpenter of InGuardians and Gib Sorebo of  SAIC leading a talk called Best Practices in Grid Detection and Prevention. Won't have much of a chance to write up most of this, but will try to extract a few nuggets.

Most in keeping with one of the primary themes of this blog was a statement during Scott Borg's kickoff keynote on the value of Smart Grid security. Borg noted that:
Attacks that undermine trust could prevent the Smart Grid from happening.
IMHO, everything we're doing here at the conference and back in our days jobs stems from that one simple assertion. 

You can see the agenda we're working through right now HERE.

Anyway, just wanted you to know that good things are happening here and that, thanks to strong interest and attendance, this conversation will continue in subsequent versions of the conference. Maybe one back East.

Photo credit: Andy

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